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Kelvin Blackman (@Legacycomics360) Kelvin joins us on the Black Superheroes Matter Podcast. Kelvin is the owner and founder of Royal Gamez, making comic books, prints, as well as games suited for royalty.  Kelvin aims to entertain and maybe even enlighten with royal products. Oftentimes, the global pandemic feels like something out of a comic book. Kelvin Blackman, the self funded Royal Entertainment business owner and founder talks about writing stories, illustrating comic books, and coding for video games.   He understands Black artists need more funding while creating in capitalism and are often limited to the resources they have available to them which limits their ability to produce work that illustrates all of their ideas. “I started looking at games a little differently. Whenever I played a game I started to analyze it and wonder “how did they do that?, how did they make that happen? what’s going on?”

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(thought) Black artists need more funding while creating in capitalism and are often limited to the resources they have available to them which limits their ability to produce work that illustrates all of their ideas.

Synopsis: Oftentimes, the global pandemic feels like something out of a comic book. Kelvin Blackman, the self funded Royal Entertainment business owner and founder talks about writing stories, illustrating comic books, and coding for video games. 

Question: how did you get into the mindset of how to make a video game?How did that start?

17:50-18:00 When people get older, a lot of times they tend not to have time to play games anymore, they’re too busy, you know, working.”

19:30 “playing the game is actually building the game” -SC


18:08-18:28 I started looking at games a little differently. Whenever I played a game I started to analyze it and wonder “how did they do that?, how did they make that happen? what’s going on?”  I started to analyze storytelling, graphical fidelity, things like that. I started to play games from a different perspective.”


18:30-18:56 Around when I turned 18 that’s when Playstation Mobile had come out and I had a Playstation Vita. Sony basically gave people the license to make games for the PS Vita and I took that and I decided that I was going to jump on board. And that’s when I really started learning how to do it. 


Question: What led you to the decision to go from video games to comics?

22:59-23:13 we have a lot more opportunities today to find ways to make things happen, to make our dreams come true, you know? In this day and age anything is possible.”

Q&A with Kelvin Blackman

What do you do?

I own an entertainment business called RoYaL GaMeZ. Where we make cool things like video games, comics, apps, etc for entertainment.

How did you get started?

I made the decision when I was 15, and an opportunity to start came when I was 17. I just started.

How has COVID-19 affected you?

It hasn’t directly. It may have affected the market though, I can’t tell yet.

Has it been difficult trying to find success as a Black creator in the industry?

Yes, and no. I guess i’ll elaborate more on that later.

How would you describe your creative style? What/who was your biggest inspiration?

I would describe it as…if it was a flavor, it would be sweet. Lol it’s still evolving, but At first it was Josiah Brooks, then a few other artists, now it’s kind of…how I feel.

What was your favorite superhero growing up?


What projects are you currently working on?

Legacy Comics series, short comic #1

Why do Black Superheroes Matter?

Because our people need representation. And our children need to know growing up, that we are not just side characters.

Follow Kelvin Blackman’s Work at: https://kelvinblackman.wixsite.com/theartist

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/legacycomics360/


Hey, this is Steve. I played football at Oregon State University and University of Hawaii. Now I doodle cartoons and blow stuff up on camera. I also make web comics too. Hopefully I can make this whole thing a full time gig so I can make the big bucks to pay for Medical School! (Fingers Crossed) If you would like more thought-provoking content or a quick laugh consider supporting me on Patreon, checking out my webseries Eyelnd Feevr, or checking out links to my other projects below:

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