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Carl Waldron(@superblackorg|) Carl joins us on the Black Superheroes Matter Podcast. Carl is a lifelong creative, comic book lover, and superhero enthusiast. Super. Black. is his way to promote representation in pop culture and the superhero genre. Carl Waldron takes an “I can do it” approach to creative design problems and uses the skills he learns to keep evolving as a content creator and fellow podcaster. “There’s something relaxing about designing and solving problems with color and shape and type and I love it very much and I get to do a lot of different things from day to day really.”

Question: what type of stuff do you create?

9:05-9:37 “As a podcaster. I think you’d agree that it’s a very flexible medium and it allows you to speak to people you didn’t think you would speak to, it allows you to learn things you didn’t know you wanted to learn, and it gives you an outlet to the outside world. Especially now where you can connect with a lot of people with just some headphones and a microphone. I think it’s a beautiful medium.”

Topic: exploring creativity in all different areas

11:29- 12:10   “All those people hitting you up for logos, websites, designs just keep doing it, allow yourself to be that crutch because it does pay dividends in the end. It positions you as a leader and an expert in people’s eyes, and at the same time you start learning. Every new project brings a new problem to solve. Design and content creation is always that.”

Question: How did you get into the line of work that you’re doing? Was there a strategic path that got you to the point where you’re at now?

16:26-18:00 In high school I was already studying coding and website design. I already had my own clientele, I had a job outside of working on websites. ….. ‘Being able to code from a very early age has opened up a lot of doors for me as well.”

Q&A with Carl Waldron

What do you do?


How did you get started?

I wanted to create a show to give kids and adults a look at all the black superheroes they probably never heard of.

How has COVID-19 affected you?

It’s given me a bit more time to focus on the Super. Black. brand and refocus on providing positive distractions for people.

Has it been difficult trying to find success as a Black creator in the industry?

In the podcast space it has been difficult. But like anything it takes work. Super. Black. is my passion project so I will continue to refine and promote in the hopes my content helps or entertains someone.

How would you describe your creative style? What/who was your biggest inspiration?

I don’t really have a style or an inspiration in this field. I suppose my podcasting inspiration is old GameSpot and IGN podcasts like Hotspot.

What was your favorite superhero growing up?


What projects are you currently working on?

New podcast episodes and our own Super. Black. Fictional universe.

Why do Black Superheroes Matter?

Because representation is vital to a healthy mindset. As a young black child, seeing a superhero who looks like you allows you to believe you can do anything. There isn’t enough of that in the mainstream.

Follow Carl’s Work at: https://super.black/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superblackorg/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/superblackorg


Hey, this is Steve. I played football at Oregon State University and University of Hawaii. Now I doodle cartoons and blow stuff up on camera. I also make web comics too. Hopefully I can make this whole thing a full time gig so I can make the big bucks to pay for Medical School! (Fingers Crossed) If you would like more thought-provoking content or a quick laugh consider supporting me on Patreon, checking out my webseries Eyelnd Feevr, or checking out links to my other projects below:

Eyelnd Feevr Webseries | PDX Black Rose PodcastStuck E Podcast | Black Superheroes Matter | Artist Portfolio | DIY Arts Tutorials & Blog |

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