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Sterling Cartoons (@Sterlingcartoons) Sterling joins us on the Black Superheroes Matter Podcast.

Sterling is a self taught animator and web comic designer from Philadelphia, based in Atlanta, Georgia. With just five years of being in the industry, and two years of animating, Sterling has created work for public schools and celebrities such as Tiny Harris and the “Rich Boys”.

Time Stamp from the podcast:

9:49- 10:02  “This should show everybody more importantly now than ever that time goes forward. They should start putting more time into crafting and honing their own skills because nothings ever guaranteed.”

10:16-10:32   “you’re seeing people even market and sell their products differently during this time and adapting so that’s definitely what I would suggest to other people. To adapt and just use it for the experience as things move forward”

15:55-16:06 “It is important that once you learn how to do comics or anything, once you learn a skill for yourself, people will pay you for that skill that you learn.

Topic: The intimate element of the art seen is not as accessible right now

20:22- 20:34  “In my position I actually tour schools  and talk to kids and that’s usually how I get my book sales”

22:20-22:40 “I like to just have different things in my art that kind of make you think about faith and having hope and believing in yourself. Just things that when you read it you can actually take it with you and when you learn something you can actually apply it to your life”

23:38- 22:54  “Let me incorporate some spiritual messages that just are positive, that’s about love and that just have a positive message to them. I think that’s missing from the media in general across the board whether it’s music or movies, comics, anime, or everything.”


What do you do?


How did you get started?

Early 2019 I released my first animation Happy Hare after the comic of the same name received mass acclaim.

How has COVID-19 affected you?

Not much surprisingly. I think people are a little more reluctant to spend money so I could be suffering on the commissions side. But I work at home.

Has it been difficult trying to find success as a Black creator in the industry?

It is hard starting out I will admit. I think once you focus on consistency, placing your steps seem to become easier. Also connections are a huge plus.

How would you describe your creative style? What/who was your biggest inspiration?

I love the classic 90s cartoons and anime. Hayao Miyazaki is one of my biggest influences because of his storytelling. If I had to round them up it would be Walt Disney. Osamu Tezuka. Hayao Miyazaki. Akira Toriyama and Ken Sugimori.

What was your favorite superhero growing up?

Definitely Spider-Man.

What projects are you currently working on?

I’ve lost count. Lol currently I’m working on animating and bringing to life a lot of characters from my comics. Happy Hare, Folklore, Faith Mcgrace, D-spirits, Waves the Werewolf, and Coco Calypso are just to name a few.

Why do Black Superheroes Matter?

It’s important because all the way from the inception of cartoons and media there has been a lack of positive black representation. It is important for the generations that are coming to see themselves in a positive light.

Follow Sterling Cartoon’s Work at: https://linktr.ee/Sterlingcartoons

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sterlingcartoons



Hey, this is Steve. I played football at Oregon State University and University of Hawaii. Now I doodle cartoons and blow stuff up on camera. I also make web comics too. Hopefully I can make this whole thing a full time gig so I can make the big bucks to pay for Medical School! (Fingers Crossed) If you would like more thought-provoking content or a quick laugh consider supporting me on Patreon, checking out my webseries Eyelnd Feevr, or checking out links to my other projects below:

Eyelnd Feevr Webseries | PDX Black Rose PodcastStuck E Podcast | Black Superheroes Matter | Artist Portfolio | DIY Arts Tutorials & Blog |

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